It’s not everyday when we get asked if we ship internationally but when we received a call from Gibraltar asking if we could deliver, we relished the opportunity to prove that we were up to the challenge.
“Madam, if you need it shipping, we can sort that out for you. If you give me an hour or two, I’ll come back with more information.” Was the reply from Paul Callaghan of Global.
We pride ourselves on customer service, so when faced with a truly unique situation, our production and logistics team were faced with a new problem to solve, and boy do we love a challenge!
“We already deliver direct to any address in the UK” explains Paul, “so having to ship a door to Gibraltar was only a ‘little’ further”. Despite objections from the logistics team over Paul’s definition of ‘little’, we got to work. It took a few calls and numerous cups of coffee, but eventually, we came up with a solution.
When we called the customer back she was elated, she had been to our site following a recommendation from a friend who had bought one of our global doors and was trilled she could get one for herself. A few minutes later, after confirming the details for both the door and the delivery, we processed the order and begun production.
From order to deliver and fitting, the entire process took 14 days, (10 if you don’t include the weekends) and we had another happy customer.
She has been in touch since to tell us how happy she is and even sent us a picture of her new door!