In your home, every single detail holds significance. Whether it’s the exterior or the interior, even the most minute elements can profoundly influence your home’s overall aesthetic. Among these Continue Reading
We would like to assure all of our customers that we will remain open for business during this difficult time. Since the 18th of March, all of our staff have been working remotely and are fully equipped to provide Continue Reading
The days are slowly growing longer even though it may not actually seem that way. The sun will soon be starting its annual rise in the heavens and spreading a little warmth for all of us to enjoy.Continue Reading
Can a Composite Door transform your home – you decide On the initial viewing the door below on the left looks a perfectly serviceable if a little dated example of a UPVC door with a single glazed panel but the “wow” Continue Reading
A storm in a teacup – It’s all getting a bit complicated This was Ophelia which blew in to the UK last week giving us not just horrendous gales and rain but unusual and ethereal landscapes as the world seemed Continue Reading
Front doors that stand the test of time Not all doors can be expected to last as long as the above example – but then again do we really want to go back to living in caves? In the consumer, orientated society in Continue Reading
Why Correct Composite Door installation matters. Here at Global Door we really do believe that the quality of fitting is one of if not the most important aspects of our whole sales process which is why we proudly Continue Reading
Open the door to cost savings Everything these days seems to have some form of grading referring to energy efficiency, we have become used to seeing A-G listings for electrical goods but for doors? A door is an Continue Reading
Bi fold doors all of this and much much more – Just when you expect to see a photograph of a stylish set of bi- fold doors we spoil all of your fun – stylish photographs are an excellent sales point but only Continue Reading
Composite doors from Global Door – Why we give you as much information as we can In the ten years of trading of the GFD Group of companies – of which Global Door was a founder company our primary objective has Continue Reading