Your wait for important post could soon be over!
Australian company Postifier have solved a problem of checking for post in a mailbox at the end of the drive or in apartment blocks. The Bluetooth device works up to a distance of 30 metres or 100 feet and has a battery life of 6-9 months which alerts the home owner when mail is put in to the post box.
Here’s the video guide on the product:
Unfortunately they recently failed to reach their target funding on Indiegogo, but they are in talks with private investors to take the project forward.
The product would obviously work great for flats in the UK with communal post box areas, but with a little modification, it could be huge for the UK homes. The amount of junk mail we receive has been on the decline for years, which means the post we receive is more likely to be of importance these days.
We don’t really want to know that the latest round of junk mail has landed, but important items such as example exam results, legal documents, greetings cards or maybe even the long awaited love letter, it could put your mind at rest knowing if things we are really waiting for have arrived.