Last Updated on 2 June 2014 by ianr

a two panel two square grey composite front door from global composite doors

six panel grey composite front door from global composite doors
Grey is the colour of the month, despite the sun shinning away as we enter into the summer, we are seeing more and more customers choosing to have grey composite front doors fitted to their homes.
With this in mind we thought we’d show a few pictures of grey colour front doors we’ve fitted in the last month. These doors have been installed into homes in Essex, Scotland, Northern Ireland and Nottingham.
All of the doors can be designed instantly online, you simply select the door style you’d like, pic a colour, choose the glass and we’ll give you an instant price.
Whats more, with our clever little tool you can picture the chosen door on your home with just the click of a mouse.
To begin, creating your perfect grey composite door begin here

two panel four square composite front door

3 Square Grey Composite Front Door