Ten years have come and gone since Global Door sold their very first Composite Door and much has changed in the intervening time – take the above imageswhich we have used pretty consistently throughout our blog / advertising features they looked pretty good ten years ago and they look just as good today.
In the beginning Global Door was part of a pair of online companies Global providing the service to the retail customers and Fusion Door providing a similar service to the trade customers – the amalgamation of the two names Global/Fusion /Doors giving the name of the parental group – GFD Trading Ltd a group which now comprises six online companies.
The reason for the history lesson – we were there at the beginning of the Composite Door era and we are still around providing the same much much improved excellent service a service which our Trust Pilot customers regularly endorse.
One of the regular articles/blogs run by many of our competitors and many of the periodical magazines that support this industry – is the comparison article – which is better timber, UPVC , Aluminium or Composite we at Global are no exception over the years we have written dozens of articles about the topic – the reason being that our customers ask us – which is best. At this point the aforementioned competitors and/or magazines would launch into there “what works” and “what does not work” with each door style but here at Global we reckon that we wrote one of the best comparison pieces back in spring of 2016 so rather than repeat ourselves and rewrite a 1000 word essay here is the link.
The one question we did not thoroughly address in the noted article – purely because in the real world the answer is – “whatever you want” or “whatever your budget allows” and personal choice can be the real driver – is “How much to pay”
UPVC doors may be either installed by the manufacturer or are supplied for DIY fitting, the base door price inclusive of frame, locks and glazing may be as little as circa £400 + vat but you may also have the extras delivery, timber sub-frame UPVC architectural trims and silicone sealants plus if you opt for tour local tradesman to install your door could easily cost £700n- £1000 once fully installed.
Wooden doors are so vastly differently priced dependent upon the quality that it is all but impossible to give a price advice – your local DIY outlet may well have doors from less than £200 inc VAT but a quality hand made door could cost thousands of pounds – the only advice we would give for timber would be to choose carefully as some of the cheaper imports can lead to a lifetime of maintenance. Timber doors are not normally supplied with accessories, hinges, locks etc but the upside is that if you have a timber door and are replacing it with another the accessories can be reused on your new door.
Aluminium/Metal doors are not dissimilar to Wooden doors in as n much as it is your specification which will determine the price – for single leaf doors prices normally start around the £1,000 and go upwards – aluminium bi-fold doors are currently enjoying a surge in popularity because of the desire for open plan living – but costs can be expensive £8,000 – £10,000 for a medium size opening is not unusual.
If you are considering Bi Fold doors – Global Door provide a very competitively priced UPVC option which can be found on our Bi Fold door page and again we have a Door designer which will allow you to develop your bespoke door and arrive at a DIY or installed price.
Composite Doors are normally supplied as door sets with the door hinged in its own frame inclusive of any glass, locks, handles letter plates or accessories, as a door set, the door is both stable in transit and easier to install in a plumb and square fashion, as the hard work has already been carried out in the factory. The problem associated with giving an estimate for Composite Doors is the variation in the number of styles doors can vary from £700 to £1000 + a quick visit to our “door designer” will show you exactly what we mean, the facility allows you to design a door bespoke to your requirements , with the option of editing until you achieve your perfect choice , once finished your design the prices for DIY/ Installed are all there for you to make an informed decision.
Over the ten years of the GFD Group / Global Door we have seen many changes some the easy access to 0% finance, the improvements in consumer protection the internal development of our superb “first class installation service” and the one the customer does not see, but reaps the benefits of – our automated management system – which all but eliminates the possibility of errors occurring with your order.
The reason for the last paragraph where some of the competition has come and gone GFD /Global are still here evolving and growing in a precise and controlled manner – still providing an excellent product and an outstanding customer service which has to be the very best “pro” you consider when you are looking for your new front door.