This works
As a first line of defence the ravages of winter and everything it can throw at us a new Composite Door from anyone of the GFD Group of companies Timber Composite Doors, Global Door, Fusion Door, Composite Door Prices, will provide you with the warmth and security that will help you ward off all the ailments that winter may bring.
These may not
As scary as it may sound the antibiotics upon which we have placed our trust as the cure for the very worst of our ailments may be reaching a crisis in their use as a new bacteria appears capable of nullifying the impact of even the most potent of antibiotics – to quote directly from a recent news article Antibiotic resistance: “World on cusp of ‘post-antibiotic era” –
“They identified bacteria able to shrug off the drug of last resort – colistin – in patients and livestock in China.”
Here at GFD HQ we are absolutely “a” typical of the vast majority of the public – we have faith in the medical profession and if they tell us to take something that will cure us we do as we are told – but if as this article describes the power of antibiotics is defeated by bacteria where do the Doctor’s turn and what will happen to those who pick up infections.
It is certainly a frightening prognosis but at GFD HQ we have every faith that the guys who head up World Wide research into a world of medicines’ in as much as they will find an alternative before the trickle of possible cases becomes a flood.
At this time of year the medical advice is always the same if you are feeling under the weather – stay warm and drink plenty of fluids – something which is always easier from the moment you close your own front door to block out all of the problems of the world outside.
At GFD HQ we can give no assurances that our doors will keep out the winter bugs- but we can guarantee that once any of our doors with their excellent thermal and draught proof credentials is closed behind you – you will feel secure and warm and the healing process can begin.
As you prepare for winter with your routine trip to the Chemist to stock upon your cold and flu remedies maybe you should also spend a little time with your computer looking at all of the options for new front doors which the GFD group provide – in case you have forgotten those sites again –
Have a safe and healthy winter with a little help from GFD Trading Group Ltd