Global Door are proud to announce that we are can now supply composite side panels as a stylish and secure alternative to uPVC glazed panels.
With a Global door composite side panel you can enhance the look of your property even further. We have had a huge number of requests for a suitable composite side panels over the last few months, and have been thrilled with the initial feedback from customers.
As the side panel is made from the same 44mm thick slab as the door itself, you can be sure the whole door unit is totally secure. If you are fitting the side panel yourself, you will appreciate our patented glazing clip that lets you fit the side panel into the frame securely and easily.
There is no denying composite side panels are a much more decorative option than a standard side panel with full glass. We can match any slab with any colour in the side panel, and you can even have matching decorative glass designs!
Many companies will offer a side panel with a moulded flat panel in the bottom, however at Global Door we simply do not think this is good enough. We believe that a composite door deserves a composite side panel…
Why have a high security composite door next to a flimsy flat panel that can be kicked through easily?
If you have a brick opening size that is larger than a standard width call one of our sales team today to find out more about our composite side panels. Choose from a wide range of colours and glass options and make the entrance to your home totally unique with a composite side panel…