As the nights draw in –

Winter gives us so many clues that it is on its way

The nights grow longer – the days grow shorter and the sun grows cooler and someone reminds us (normally the weatherman) that we have passed the Autumn Equinox (the point when night becomes longer than day)

The leaves turn to some beautiful shades and fall from the trees

And where do all those extra spiders and daddy long legs come from

And of course the Meteorological Office has now introduced its own early warning system with the annual publication of the naming of the storms predicted for the coming winter – we had some fun here in the GFD HQ office trying to predict which of these would be the worst – we were so confident that we had it “sorted” that we even published the prospective odds in our article “what’s in a name” and of course when spring arrived we had to admit that we were hopelessly incorrect in our predictions. The article in question did however contain some useful guidelines as to that which you should be looking for when you are purchasing a new door which we have reprinted here to save you looking through the old stuff –

“Recent surveys suggest that up to 11 % of your properties core temperature can be lost through badly fitting(draughty) or poorly insulated doors in fact a recent Department of Energy and Climate Change (DECC) study advised that, insulated doors are the third most cost effective Energy-saving home improvement that it is possible to make a replacement boiler and cavity wall insulation being the most cost effective savings.

Current legislation requires that all new doors sold and fitted in England & Wales must have a “U” value not exceeding 1.8W/m2K and the lower level of (1.6W/m2K applying in Scotland).

The U-value of a door is a measurement of its energy efficiency, the lower the value, the more energy efficient it will be.

Energy Efficiency Ratings for Global Composite Doors

Energy efficiency and be given a simple A-G rating. A high performance Similar to electrical

appliances, doors can now be tested for their insulated door will have a minimum energy rating of ‘C’, and above

Avoid doors with a rating of ‘D’ or below.

The rating your door will be influenced by its glazing content.

Every Door from the GFD Group comes with its own individual energy rating certificate which are generally between A and C.”

So what of this year’s Storm names – this year even the local papers have jumped on the bandwagon so here is a nice little plug for the Hartlepool Mail who published the following table of runners –

The office consensus this year is that Gabriel and Ivor could be the ones to watch – but we are banking on Winter storms coming late this year so that our selections are January events – we do not think we will reach Oisin (nobody here at GFQ HQ even knew this was a name but we do not have Irish ancestors – as apparently the name means “little dear” and if you’re interested in naming your next male child Oisin – the baby names of Ireland web site includes a description of the meaning of the name.

Of course here at GFD HQ we have our own way of knowing winter is approaching – the same thing happens every year – with the onset of those first cold draughts through a badly fitting older front door mean lots of people start contemplating a new front door – here at the GFD HQ we are ready and waiting – our Global Door web site may just have the answer to dispel those winter blues – it will probably only take one visit – with –

Sixteen traditional styles of door

Seven contemporary styles of door

All available in thirteen colours

As many glazing and hardware options as you could ever want

We are pretty sure that we have the door for you

Add in our 0% Finance Options (for qualifying customers)

And our superb UK wide installation service

And we move up from pretty sure too certain that we have the door that will fulfil your needs – we are in fact more confident that we have the door than we are that Gabriel or Ivor will be the worst storm of the year.


And with doors that look as good as this when installed and prices as competitive as those illustrated below


We think that we are on a pretty safe bet – why delay visit Global Door web site now and have your new door installed before winter takes its full hold.