The Green Deal has prompted many UK manufacturers to try and use their muscle to jump in on the act and go further outside their comfort zone. We explore the latest company jumping on the band wagon venturing in to Continue Reading
Christmas, the time of the year when we can all exaggerate the welcoming features of our front door but it’s all a matter of personal preference. Deck the halls with boughs of holly, Tis the season to be jolly, so Continue Reading
Modern living dictates modern styles, a statement which also applies when considering doors. For generations the typical “Englishman’s home has been his castle” and the castle to which most of us  have aspired to Continue Reading
The worlds thinnest glass has just been discovered by accident and its so thin that you can see its molecular structure! For some eighty two years since physicist W.H.Zachariasen first hypothesized and sketched the Continue Reading